Causes for Hair Loss!?!?
Hi guys! I want to talk about the different causes of hair loss today. As you can tell from my selfie picture, I still have a lot of hair, but I have noticed a good amount of hair loss for the last three years that led me to find causes. Just to let you know, I'm not talking about short-term hair loss after giving birth due to a normalizing hormonal shift but consistently losing hair.
There are three stages in a hair growth cycle. The Anagen phase is that your scalp will produce 90-95% of your hair follicles, and it takes 2- 8 years. The next phase is called The Catagen phase which your hair cells will stop dividing, which means it won't be any new hair growth. It takes about 4-6 weeks. The last phase is called the Telogen phase which hair follicles begin falling out naturally. About 10-15% of the hair is in the phase at any time. This stage lasts about 3-4 months on average, and it repeats.
Over the years, I have heard various reasons which cause hair loss that I listed below.
•alopecia areata due to diabetes
•high testosterone level due to daily workouts
•too many man bun during workouts, lol
•hormonal shifts during premenopause
•fewer collagen productions after the early 30s
•high stress
•vitamins deficiency
•invasive hair spray and coloring products
•inbalanced diet
I have been active for the last three years and didn't feel anything physically strange besides hair loss, so I went to see Dr. Kaisa Lopes, an acupuncturist, who provides AlfaVue Regulation Thermometry evaluation at her office. I just thought that my hormonal shift was the primary reason for my hair loss. I was WRONG. What did this test said was that I have a high mercury level. It shocked me because I didn’t grow up eating that much fish in Japan. According to the test, it didn't come from my dental work either. Next, I went to see Dr. Sosin, Institute for Progressive Medicine, to do a blood test and found out that my mercury level was out of reference; yikes. He prescribed six DMPS pushes, one of the chelation therapies which firmly bound with mercury inside the body and detoxing it out naturally. I had a successful outcome.
FYI, if you work out consistently, your body burns fat which toxic components are bound to start floating inside your body unless you prepare your lymph systems, kidneys, and liver to detox them. Anyway, if you are feeling uncertain about your health issues, go to see professionals to get tests. Let me know what you think!
-Dr. Sosin, Institution for progressive medicine in Irvine, CA
-Dr. Kaise Lopes, PhytologyMedica in RSM, CA